Overview of the Menu Options

Most of the menu options should be self-explanatory, but just in case they aren't, here's a quick summary of every option and what it does.

File Menu

Option Effect
New Creates a new, blank image.
Open Opens an existing file for editing.
Save Saves any changes to the current file, or prompts for a filename if the image hadn't been saved previously.
Save As Saves the current image, prompting for a new filename first.
Export (Graphics) Saves the current image, using a new filename and custom options.
Export (Graphic Sequence) Saves the current image as a series of smaller images.
Export (Text) Exports the current image as a text file. See Exporting Text.
Export (HTML) Exports the current image as an HTML file. See Exporting Text.
Revert Discards any changes to the image, reloading it from file.
Exit Closes the editor.

Edit Menu

Option Effect
Undo Restores the image to way it was before the previous action.
Redo Restores the changes removed by an Undo option.
Rotate Clockwise Rotates the image or selection 90° clockwise.
Rotate Counter-Clockwise Rotates the image or selection 90° counter-clockwise.
Flip Horizontally Flips the image or selection horizontally.
Flip Vertically Flips the image or selection vertically.
Cut Copies the selection to the clipboard and removes the selection.
Copy Copies the selection to the clipboard.
Paste Pastes the clipboard's contents into the image as a selection.
Paste from File Copies the contents of a file into the image, as if it was pasted from the clipboard.
Preferences Opens the Preferences Manager dialog.


Option Effect
Zoom In Increases the magnification level by one step.
Zoom Out Decreases the magnification level by one step.
Set Magnification Amount The options in this submenu allow you to choose the current magnification level directly.
Grid Options - Enable Grid Toggles the grid on and off
Grid Options - Grid Options Opens the Grid Options dialog.
Thumbnail Window Toggles the thumbnail window on and off


Option Effect
Select All Selects the entire image.
Clear Selection Discards the current selection. This will clear the selected area if the selection hasn't been moved yet.
Scale Selection Opens the scaling dialog, allowing you to scale the selected image.
Use Selection as Pattern Moves the current select into the pattern buffer, where you can use it as a stamp or custom fill.
Save Selection to File Copies the selected portion of the image to a file of your choice.


Option Effect
Properties Opens the Image Properties dialog
Resize Canvas Opens the resizing dialog, allowing you to crop the image to a specific size.
Scale Canvas Opens the scaling dialog, allowing you to scale the entire image.
Add Margins Opens the Add Margins dialog, allowing you to add margins of a specific size to your image. The new margins will be the filled with the current background color.
Crop to Selection Crops the image to the current selection.
Assign Hotspot Allows you to set the cursor's hotspot.


Option Effect
Color Selection Tool Switches to the Eyedropper tool.
Color Replace Tool Switches to the Replacer tool.
Draw Lines Switches to the Line tool.
Draw Shapes Switches to the Shape tool.
Draw Curves Switches to the Curve tool.
Fill Area Switches to the Fill tool.
Pencil Switches to the Pencil tool.
Selection Switches to the Selection tool.
Spraypaint Switches to the Spraypaint tool.
Stamp Switches to the Stamp tool.


Option Effect
Load Palette Loads a new palette from file.
Save Palette Saves your current palette to a file.
Manage Palette Opens the Palette Manager dialog.
Reset Palette Resets the palette to the default 16-Color palette.
Select Pattern Opens the Pattern Selection dialog.
Select Shape Opens the Shape Selection dialog.


Option Effect
Repeat Last Filter If you've used any filter option, you can repeat it with the same settings by selecting this option.
Colors Each option in this submenu triggers a specific filter.
Filters These options trigger more complex filters.
Sprite Tools This menu provides special tools to assist you in creating sprite sheets.
Run Batch Script Batch scripts are text files that provide instructions for the editor to follow. Selecting this option allows you to select and execute a script.


Option Effect
Load Layout Allows you to load a new custom layout.
Restore Default Layout Erases the current layout and replaces it with the default layout.
Palette Window Displays or hides the floating Palette Window.
Toolbox Window Displays or hides the floating Toolbox Window.


Option Effect
Online Documentation Opens this documentation in your default web browser.
About Displays the about dialog.
Check for Updates Allows you to easily check for updates.

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