Batch Scripting

Have you ever been working with an image editor's filters and discovered some new trick that you'd like to easily repeat later on?

That's the rough idea behind features like this. Instead of memorizing the steps you took or the settings you used, you can just write them down in a text file and let the editor do the work for you.

You might have heard of something like this before. If you've worked with the command line, you might have run across or even written "batch files". These are text files that contain a series of commands. By running the batch file, you can execute these commands over and over again with almost no effort. The scripting system used by Mike's Sprite Editor is loosely based on those batch files, hence why it's called "Batch Scripting". It's also a little like BASIC, which is a beginner-friendly programming language you may have run across in school. But, you don't need to know anything about programming to begin creating scripts.

This section of the documentation provides everything you'll need to know in the form of a tutorial and command reference.

Just a reminder: you don't need to use this feature if you don't want to. It's there to help you be creative, not get in your way.



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