Know Your Tools

As in most older programs, your tools are found on the left hand side of the window, and the tool you are currently using is highlighted by a light blue rectangle.

For most tools, such as the pencil, line, or fill tool, using the left mouse button will use the current foreground color, while the right mouse button uses the current background color.

To change to a different tool, simply click on its icon or press its hotkey. Note that if you are using the Selection tool, changing to a different tool will drop the selection onto the image.

More information about the provided tools can be found in the table below.

Tool Usage Tool Options
Pencil Tool Click and drag to draw freely on your image.

Note that you leave a small mark just by clicking, so you don't need to drag the mouse to fill in single pixels or similar areas.
Line Width
Selection Tool Using the Selection tool you can move sections of your image around. Draw the rectangle by dragging the left mouse button, and you can then move it around by dragging the selected area. Click outside of the selected area (or change to a different tool) to "drop" the selected image in its current location and remove the current selection.

Hold the CTRL key when you start dragging the selected area if you want to leave a copy of the selected image in the current position.

The editor also uses the Selection tool to manage clipboard operations. When an area is selected, you can perform a Copy or Cut operation on it. The data copied to the clipboard is compatible with other programs, like MS Paint or GIMP. The reverse is also true: the editor will automatically switch to the Selection tool when you paste an image from the clipboard.

The Selection tool also works with the various filters. If an area is selected, the filter's effects will be limited to that area only.
Transparency Options
Fill Tool As the name implies, the Fill tool colors in an area. When you click on a pixel, every pixel next to it that shares the same color value is replaced with the new color.

Holding the SHIFT key when you click will fill the area with a checkerboard pattern using the current foreground and background colors.
Eyedropper Tool This tool allows you to "pick up" a color from the image and set it as the current foreground or background color. The button you use to select a pixel determines which slot is replaced.

A special feature of this tool is that the fourth slot in the status bar displays the RGB value of the color of the pixel your mouse is currently hovering over, no clicking required.
Line Tool The Line tool always draws a straight line. Click and drag to position the line, and release the button to actually draw it.

If you want to cancel the action, press the other mouse button while you're positioning the line.

Holding the SHIFT key while positioning the line will "snap" it to a 45° angle. By holding the CTRL key whle drawing, you'll "smear" the lines around - try it sometime!
Line Width
Shape Tool Another popular tool, this one lets you draw various shapes by clicking and dragging. Click and drag to begin positioning the shape, and release the button to draw it.

If you want to cancel the action, press the other mouse button while you're positioning the line.

Holding the SHIFT key while positioning the shape will force the width and height to be equal to each other. This way, you can create squares or circles.
Line Width
Fill Mode
Shape Preview
Curve Tool The Curve tool is very similar to the Line tool. Click and drag to position the start and end points of your curved line, then click and drag again to stretch the line into the desired curve.

To cancel the action, simply click the other mouse button when positioning or stretching the line.

Holding the SHIFT key while positioning the start and end points will lock them to a 45° angle. However, holding this key does nothing when stretching the line into a curve.
Line Width
Replacer Tool This tool acts almost identical to the pencil tool, with the exception that it replaces one color with another. The foreground color is the color you want to replace, while the background color is the color to replace it with.

This also works in reverse; just use the right mouse button.
Line Width
Spraycan Tool This tool is a bit messy, as it paints by scattering pixels somewhere in the general area of the mouse cursor. Line Width
Stamp Tool The Stamp tool allows you to draw with the currently selected pattern. The size of the pattern determines how large the stamp will be; a helpful outline will appear around the mouse cursor to help you place the stamp in the right position.

Holding SHIFT will lock the stamp tool into a grid based on the size of the pattern.
Pattern Preview

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